Well here it is Sunday again and I have slacked off my duties of my Grateful Sunday posts! As I have thought a lot about what it is I have to be grateful for I realized I have a lot to be grateful for. However I would like to share that I am grateful to come from the great state of Utah. I recently over heard someone while I was in Vegas who said that "Utah was never enough" to hear that it made me upset. I am so proud to be from Utah. I am so proud of the heritage that it holds. To know what was sacrificed to get here and to make this state what it is. I know that to a lot of people Utah is all about the "Mormons" but it is just part of who we are. Look at all the great people that came from Utah... Loretta Young, Rosanne (not sure how great she is but hey we'll take it), Steve Young, Willard Marriott, Jon Huntsman, SheDasiy, The OSMONDS, Collen Hutchins, Sharlene Wells Hawks (both former Miss Americas), Jill Stevens, Mary Shaw Drake(former Miss Rodeo America), Blue Stone, Louie Fields, and Tom Chambers. Those are just to name a few. I am grateful to be from Utah and always will be it may be freaking freezing but I wouldn't have it any other way. We all need to be proud of where we came from and realize that yes it is enough. Also remember "Come What May and Love It" That is a shout out to my dear friend Elder Wirthlin thanks for the Great Advice.